I’m a social worker, a multi-instrumentalist, a chicken tenderer, an anti-Racism educator, an equestrian, a beer lover and I try to be a change-agent and pot-stirrer. My pronouns are she/her/hers. A lot of the time I’m a psychotherapist that sometimes gets to support people by playing with horses, but I also spend time educating mental health professionals on anti-oppression and starting mini-revolutions in their workplaces.
You should know that I don’t believe in “decolonizing” the mental health industrial complex. You can’t decolonize something that was built on colonialism. Although I don’t believe in psychotherapy as a long-term solution for community wellness, I do believe in mutual aid, relational connections, and sustainable solutions that create a more supportive society. Let’s create a better community together.
In my coaching and consultation, you’ll find that my aim is to help you develop consistency in finding the balance between what you say your goals are, and what you’re doing to help yourself meet them. If you’re ready for it (and I’ll call BS when I see it), I can help you work and live in alignment with who you say you want to be.